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What is SOPA?

What is Stop Online Piracy Act (SOPA)? Why Wikipedia blacked out for this? Who else is protesting to SOPA?
  • Industry/Domain: Law
  • Category: General law
  • Created: 01:12, 18 January 2012

Answers (1)


An American bill currently being debated for inclusion into US law, designed to combat online piracy. The bill is being widely criticized worldwide for its potential impact on internet usage on all countries. Among its many regulations is the power for the US government to require domain hosters to take down entire domains as soon as a copyright complaint is received. This could lead to any site that allows user generated content to be taken down at a moments notice, including the likes of youtube, facebook and twitter. Numerous organizations have publicly spoken out against the act, including Google, Mozilla, Twitter, Yahoo!, eBay, AOL and Zynga.

01:29, 18 January 2012

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