The United States Army Corps of Engineers
Industry: Government
Number of terms: 5261
Number of blossaries: 0
Company Profile:
The United States Army Corps of Engineers is a federal agency with a mission to provide vital public engineering services in peace and war to strengthen the nation's security, energize the economy, and reduce risks from disasters. It is also a major U.S. Army organization employing some 38,000 ...
(1) A strip of land of indefinite width (may be several kilometers) that extends from the shoreline inland to the first major change in terrain features. (2) The part of a country regarded as near the coast.
The change waves undergo after they leave a generating area (fetch) and pass through a calm, or region of lighter winds. In the process of decay, the significant wave height decreases and the significant wavelength increases.
Mineral deposits consisting of dense, resistant and often economically valuable minerals which have been weathered from terrigenous rocks, transported to the sea and concentrated in marine sediments by wave or current action.
A land area jutting seaward from a continent or large island which prominently marks a change in, or interrupts notably, the coastal trend; a prominent feature. Examples: Cape Cod, Massachusetts; Cape Hatteras, North Carolina.
The phenomenon of amplification of a free wave or oscillation of a system by a forced wave or oscillation of exactly equal period. The forced wave may arise from an impressed force upon the system or from a boundary condition.
A wave consisting of a single elevation (above the original water surface), whose height is not necessarily small compared to the depth, and neither followed nor preceded by another elevation or depression of the water surfaces.
(1) The shore or beach of the ocean or a large lake. The land bordering any large body of water, especially a sea or an arm of the ocean. (2) wharf, quay, or roadway along a water body, esp. in a city, sometimes known as a bund.
Proof of any kind on the shoreline, or on structures like bridge abutments, used to determine the highest level attained by the water surface during the flood (note: the height of the flood mark usually includes the wave run-up).
Members of marine seed plants that grow chiefly on sand or sand-mud bottom. They are most abundant in water less than 9 m deep. The common types are: eel grass (Zostera), turtle grass (Thallasia), and manatee grass (Syringodium).
Maximum height reached by a rising tide. The height may be solely due to the periodic tidal forces or it may have superimposed upon it the effects of prevailing meteorological conditions. Nontechnically, also called the high tide.