Home > Blossary: Italian Nikon terms glossary


1031 Terms

Created by: federica.masante

Number of Blossarys: 31

My Terms
Collected Terms

A record of modifications made to an image.

Domain: Photography; Category: Images

Un record delle modifiche apportate a un'immagine.

Domain: Photography; Category: Images

Maximum level of detail, expressed in dots or pixels per unit area. High resolutions offer better-quality reproductions, while lower resolutions may reproduce curves as visibly jagged lines.

Domain: Photography; Category: Images

Livello massimo di dettaglio, espressa in punti o pixel per unità di superficie. Alte risoluzioni offrono riproduzioni di qualità migliore, mentre le risoluzioni inferiori possono riprodurre curve ...

Domain: Photography; Category: Images

A control that restores the camera to its initial state, and is used when the camera has ceased all functions due to such a cause as a strong external static charge.

Domain: Photography; Category: Cameras & parts

Un controllo che ripristina la fotocamera allo stato iniziale e viene utilizzato quando la fotocamera ha cessato tutte le funzioni a causa di una causa come una forte carica statica esterna.

Domain: Photography; Category: Cameras & parts

The process of creating a faithful representation of a scene by photographic capture and printing.

Domain: Photography; Category: Professional photography

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