Home > Blossary: Wine Glossary


7 Terms

Created by: teacherdebs

Number of Blossarys: 1

My Terms
Collected Terms

This is the noun given for a specially selected sweet wine to be drank with a particular kind of dessert.All dessert wines are sweeter than traditional wines. A dessert wine is defined by the type of grape it is made from, where it is grown, and how it is produced.

Domain: Beverages; Category: Wine

Ovo je ime koje se daje posebno odabranim slatkim vinima koja se koriste uz određene vrste deserta. Sva desertna vina su slađa od tradicionalnih vina. Desertno vino određuje vrsta grožđa od kojeg je načinjeno, gdje je grožđe raslo i o načinu proizvodnje vina.

Domain: Beverages; Category: Wine

This is a noun given for a type of a carbonated wine; that process could be a result of a natural fermentation. This process can occur either in a bottle or in a proper large tank.

Domain: Beverages; Category: Wine

Ovo je ime koje se daje vinima koja su gazirana kao rezultat prirodne fermentacije. Do ovog procesa može doći ili u boci ili u odgovarajućem velikom spremniku.

Domain: Beverages; Category: Wine

This kind of wine has a higher alcohol content than other table wines, the result of a varied and distinct distillation process.

Domain: Beverages; Category: Wine

Neke vrste vina imaju veći postotak alkohola od drugih stolnih vina, kao rezultat različitih i određenih postupaka destilacije.

Domain: Beverages; Category: Wine

This is the adjective given for not sweet wines, that is to say the wine is not sweet because of decomposition of sugar during fermentation.

Domain: Beverages; Category: Wine

Ovo je pridjev koji se daje vinima koja nisu slatka, on kaže da vino nije slatko radi raspadanja šećera tijekom fermentacije.

Domain: Beverages; Category: Wine

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